Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why I am apathetic?

5 Reasons for Apathy:

1. All politicians are out of their mind. It doesn't seem to matter what side of the aisle they are on they are, deep down, insane and out of touch with America. We are a populace that is in the middle but everyone seems to be running to the left and right as far and deep as they can. How am I supposed to choose between to

2. No one seems to want to compromise (thus making it so the senate is in an eternal state of halt). If you do then you are weak and people pick at that one vote until it ruins you. Some how the idea of "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." is no longer a good trait in politics. If you play that game you are abandoning everything that America stands for. This doesn't make sense! Our system was based on compromise! This forces the majority and the minority to work together to come up with solutions that will take care of everyone's needs. To quote a song, "You can't always get what you want. (...) But you'll get what you need."

3. Who are you and why are you funneling money into my state's political race? Why is it alright for people who aren't even in the state to send money and thus futzing up the dynamic in my state? Why is it alright for them not to tell me who they are? This makes every politician suspect of corruption.

4. Attack ads in general. Why? Most of them have barely in truth in them... So why even put it out there? All this does is annoy me and make me not want to vote for anyone since everyone has something out there attacking their opponents. What is so difficult about putting out what you are actually trying to accomplish by running? Maybe, instead of attack ads, politicians could stick to ads that actually let me know what they are running on. But no, that would actually allow me to make informed decisions without having to do hours and hours of research to find out.

5. Wait... what? When did this become a soap opera? I think that apathy has become a self defense mechanism because the more I pay attention the more I realize that politics is like a soap opera but instead of trying to get me to buy stuff they get to choose if we are at war, if the taxes go up or down, and if we will have enough funding for schools. But since this is a political blog, I will wade through all of the soap opera to try and give you my opinion as one of your fellow bored and apathetic voter compatriots.

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